Designer, illustrator, animator, editor, artist
B.Sc., Computerized Control and Robotics, the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa; B.Des., Visual Communications, Academic Center Wizo, Haifa; M.A., Multimedia, Art and Design, Utrechet, Holland.
Current head of the department of visual communications, graphic design, illustration, animation, video and interactive design at Academic Center Wizo, Haifa (for the third year now);
For the past 15 years, senior art director for design and animation for television and print, with a strong emphasis on culture and art.
Recently, a designer, animator and creative director for documentary cinema – creator of video and animation content;
Artist and member of the Saloona Art Group;
As a designer, illustrator and artist – his work has been displayed in a large number of exhibitions, both locally and internationally, and featured in many international design books and magazines.
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MY BIRDJewboyStarting at - $118.00
NATURE MONOCHROM_03_SQJewboyStarting at - $181.00
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NATURE MONOCHROM_01_SQJewboyStarting at - $181.00
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ART GIFT CARDStarting at - $0.00
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A BIRTHDAYJewboyStarting at - $118.00
TINY TUNEJewboyStarting at - $118.00
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RELATION BLACKJewboyStarting at - $118.00
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BOUQUET_03JewboyStarting at - $118.00
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BOOMJewboyStarting at - $118.00
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